
olumnar & Dwarf Forms of Pear

Grown in the gardens separately, on their own, to form avenues or planted in pots on balconies. The size of columnar and dwarf pear does not exceed 1.5 meters. Fruits are medium large, pear-shaped and yellow.

Dwarf Peach

Bonanza variety, thanks to short internodes, forms ornamental plant up to 1 meter in hight. The fruits are large, 170gr, beautifully colored, with yellow flesh. It ripes in the first half of August.

Dwarf Nectarine

Nana variety has medium-large fruits, weighing 120gr, intensely red in colour, with yellow flesh and sweet-sour in taste. It ripens in mid-July.

Dwarf cherry

Is traditionally grown on farms in Vojvodina and thanks to our nursery again becomes indispensable decoration of local gardens. The fruit is very large, 9gr, with rounded shape and dark red color. Juice is dark ruby color.

Dwarf Apricot

Is ideal for fruit lovers who do not have much space. Can be successfully grown in small gardens, but is also suitable for planting in appropriate pots that can be placed in the halls of the houses or at the balconies.

New Technologies

Standard varieties of cherries which are grafted on Prunus Fructicosa and Oblachinska cherries are suitable for planting dense plantations where all the working operations are carried out on the ground.